Specification point
the significance of educational policies, including policies of selection, marketisation and privatisation, and policies to achieve greater equality of opportunity or outcome, for an understanding of the structure, role, impact and experience of and access to education; the impact of globalisation on educational policy.
In our contemporary society we have experienced a rise in globalisation, this defined by Cohen and Kennedy as an increasingly interconnected world characterised by increase in travel and the movement of good, people and animals (sometimes illegally). Giddens states that there are three main features of globalisation
1. Political - global politics can be seen via NATO and the Ukraine War as well as during COVID-19 with the similar adoption of policies.
2. Economic - Capitalism has a significant reach in a globalised world due to the rise in conglomerates (Murdock and News Corp, Apple and Google).
3. Cultural - increase in mulitculturalism due to the movement of people. Globalisation has made migration more accessible and the push (e.g war) and pull (e.g employment) factors have given greater incentive for individuals to start afresh somewhere new. However, cultural imperialism is now seen to be a factor of globalisation as dominant cultures dominate and destroy local cultures (Fenton).