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AO2 in the News

Updated: Jun 11, 2023

These can be used in your paragraphs to show contemporary application of Sociology 💜


Section 28 (Conservative Gov), Progressive development of society and the curriculum is not keeping up (Usher and Edwards - PoMo), Pick and Mix Identities (Baudrillard, PoMo)


F&H Domestic Violence theorists -> Mirlees-Black, Dobash and Dobash, Cheal, Wilkinson, Coleman.

Look at how it is subverted in this case with JD accusing AH of domestic abuse.

Media Folk Devils (Cohen), Deviancy Amplification Spiral (Wilkins), Masculinity and power (Connell, Kimmel, Mac an Ghail), femininity and 'weakness' (Wolf and Tebbel, Parsons), Gatekeeping, Agenda Setting, News Values (Harcup and O'Neill, Galtung and Ruge)


F: Science images and certain sciences deemed as masculine (Kelly), language used to police girls (Osler), Female subcultures and the balancing act (Ringrose), Behaviour policies as a form of policing (Mac an Ghaill).

A: GIST, WISE, Feminisation of Ed (Sewell), Genderquake (Wilkinson), Labelling (Becker), SFP (Rosenthal and Jacobson), Typifications (Cicourel).


Sexuality positively represented (Batchelor), Audiences being in control (Pluralists), Male stereotypes changing (Gauntlett), New Man (Beck), More male characters seen as embracing feminism side (McNamara) - link to Metrosexuality, News Values (Galtung and Huge, Harcup and O'Neill).


Moral Panics and Folk Devils (Cohen), Labelling (Becker), Deviancy Amplification Spiral (Wilkins), Hippies in Notting Hill (Young), Typifications (Cicourel)


Risk Society (Beck), Traditional Criminology and Green Criminology, Ecocentric view and Anthropocentric View (White), Primary and Secondary green crime (South),

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